Course Notes — CIS 501: Software Architecture and Design, Fall 2014

10. Multi-threaded Execution

A program’s activation stack (“call stack”) remembers the progress of execution. The program, its instruction counter, and the activation stack are a thread of execution. The norm is that there is one thread of execution (and so, one activation stack).

When you use Visual Studio to create a Form with active buttons, the Main method looks like this:

static void Main() {
  Application.Run(new Form1());
  MessageBox.Show("Form1 has been terminated");

The Application.Run(new Form1()) command activates the Form object so that the thread of execution (and the call stack) execute Form1‘s events (button presses). If Form1 terminates, only then does control return to Main and the message box appears.

10.1. Threads

We can modify a program so that there are multiple threads of execution — multiple call stacks. When we execute such a program, called a multi-threaded program, the computer’s processor divides its time between the threads.

The note on Multiple GUI Threads show how to do this. Here is an example, where two distinct forms, each with its own buttons and work to do, are activated in one application:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;  //  ADD ME

namespace TestThreading {
  static class Program {
    static void Main() {

      new Thread(Driver1).Start();   // ADD ME
      new Thread(Driver2).Start();   // ADD ME
      MessageBox.Show("Forms started in their own threads");

    static void Driver1() { Application.Run(new Form1()); }
    static void Driver2() { Application.Run(new Form2()); }

In C#, one constructs and starts a thread object, which holds commands that execute with their own call stack — each thread gets its own call stack. Note that if Form1 terminates and Main finishes, then RunForm2 keeps executing because it has its own call stack.

10.2. Race Conditions

It is dangerous when two threads share an object in the Heap, because the computer’s processor can choose to pause a thread at any moment and execute another thread. Such a “processor time out” might occur at the worst possible moment. Here is an example, where two threads are both seizing tokens held in a shared object:

namespace Race {

  // constructs an object that holds 100 "tokens" to give away:
  class Token {
    private int tokens = 100;

    // returns one token if available
    public bool getToken() {
      bool outcome = false;
      if (tokens > 0) {
        tokens = tokens - 1;
        outcome = true;
      return outcome;

  // a race between two threads to seize the most tokens
  class Program {
    static Token x = new Token();  // x  holds 100 tokens to give away

    // starts two threads, each of which grabs tokens:
    static void Main(string[] args) {
      new Thread(Run1).Start();  // start thread 1
      new Thread(Run2).Start();  // start thread 2
      Console.WriteLine("both threads initialized");

    static void Run1() { loop(1); }
    static void Run2() { loop(2); }

    // procedure that repeatedly seizes tokens and then prints result.
    // param: id - the index number of the thread that called the proc.
    static void loop(int id) {
      int success = 0;
      Random rand = new Random();
      while (x.getToken()) {
        success = success + 1;
        Thread.Sleep(rand.Next(0, 8));   // pause for 0..7 milliseconds
      Console.WriteLine("thread {0} has {1} tokens", id, success);

If you repeatedly execute this application, you will find that the two threads occasionally seize more than 100 tokens. Why? Well, the processor is pausing and restarting threads at what appear to be arbitrary times, and a thread might well be paused at point (*) or (**) in getToken:

if (tokens > 0 ) { // (*)
  tokens = /* (**) */ tokens - 1;
  outcome = true;

A pause at (*) means that the paused thread is ready to seize a token, but now another thread can call getToken and seize for itself the token intended for the paused thread. A pause at (**), in the middle of the assignment, means that the paused thread will reawaken and set variable tokens to an old, out-of-date value (since other threads will have called getToken while the paused thread was asleep). (Recall the semantics of an assignment: L = E:

  1. L is evaluated to a location number;
  2. E is evaluated to a storable value;
  3. the value is deposited in the cell at the location.

Point (**) above marks the break between Steps 2 and 3.)

This situation is called a race condition and is virtually guaranteed to happen in practice. No data structure can be shared like this, without protection.

10.3. Locks

A modern computer language provides a construct to ensure mutual exclusion of threads that share an object. That is, the mutual-exclusion construct will allow at most once thread to execute code on the object, and other threads are not allowed to execute the code until the one thread that has started eventually finishes (even if the thread is paused for a while).

The best mutual-exclusion construct I know is called a monitor. (Others are called semaphores, critical regions, and conditional critical regions.) C# implements a lock construction, which ensures mutual exclusion to an object if you use it correctly. Here is how we insert a lock into the previous example:

public bool getToken() {
  lock(this) { // enforce mutual exclusion on *this* object
               //   for this method body
    bool outcome = false;
    if (tokens > 0) {
      tokens = tokens - 1;
      outcome = true;
    return outcome;
  }  // end lock

You place lock(this){...} around the code for every public method in the class to ensure that at most one thread at a time will execute any of the public methods in the object. (The this is the handle to the object being locked and acts as the “key” to lock and unlock.)

See the note on Using lock on An Object Shared by Multiple Threads for other examples. Mutual exclusion and multi-threading are important, and some of your later courses will revisit the topics.

This note was adapted from David Schmidt's CIS 501, Spring 2014, Lecture 9 course note. © Copyright 2014, David Schmidt.